Great Qing Empire Embassy in Italy

Great Qing Empire Embassy in Italy

| Ordine Imperiale del Doppio Dragone - Shuang Lung Pao Hsing  

Founded by Emperor Kuangsi on 7th February 1882 as an award for outstanding services to the Throne. Originally it was awarded only to foreigners but was extended to Chinese subjects from 1908. The order was awarded in five Divisions, the first three being sub-divided into three Classes each:

1. First Division: conferred as follows:

         1.1. First Class  - reigning Sovereigns.

         1.2. Second Class - Heirs Apparent, Princes and members of Royal houses.

         1.3. Third Class - Admirals of the Fleet, Field Marshals, Ambassadors and Ministers of State.

         2. Second Division: conferred as follows:

         2.1. First Class - Admirals, Generals, Ministers Plenipotentiary and equivalent ranks.

         2.2. Second Class - Vice-Admirals, Lieutenant-Generals, Ministers-Resident, Chargé d'Affaires, Inspectors-General, etc.

         2.3. Third Class - Rear-Admirals, Major-Generals, Consuls-General, First Secretaries, Heads of Educational establishments, etc.

         3. Third Division: conferred as follows:

         3.1. First Class - Captains in the Navy, Colonels in the army, Second Secretaries, Attachés, Professors, etc.

         3.2. Second Class - Commanders in the Navy, Lieutenant-Colonels, Vice-Consuls, etc.

        3.3. Third Class - Lieutenant-Commanders and Lieutenants in the Navy, Majors, Captains, Consulate Interpreters, etc.


The Imperial Order of the Double Dragon, Third Division, Second Class (example pictured) was conferred on William Francis Stevenson, Secretary of the Imperial Naval Yard, Taku, North China, on 5th June 1882.



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